Keep Your Wood Floors Shining With Osmo Liquid Wax

A newly installed hardwood floor has a shine that simply cannot be beat. It looks fresh and new, and you can almost see your reflection. Being a hardwood, you can bet that your floor will last for years to come. However, while the floor might last, that shine might not. Keeping your floor looking clean and shiny takes extra maintenance, and that is where Osmo Liquid Wax comes in.

Even the most lightly used hardwood flooring will need refreshing from time to time. Using Polyx-Oil technology, Osmo Liquid Wax will not just rejuvenate your floor, but preserve its appeal and character. How often you refresh depends on how your floor is used. If you have a high-traffic house or the floor is in a business with lots of clients, then you should refresh as often as possible. If your floor does not get much of a workout on a day-to-day basis, then you can leave a longer time between refreshes.


There are many benefits to using Osmo Liquid Wax. For example, it not only cleans, but it regenerates your floor to its original shine. Plus, you can polish it, and it keeps your floor water-repellent. So it protects your floor while making it look great. It can be used on both oiled and waxed surfaces, although it is less effective on varnished floors. Osmo Liquid Wax is almost completely odorless, so you can clean it without the smell of chemicals irritating your senses. It can even be used on wooden furniture to keep them looking great for years to come.

Hardwood flooring that is maintained regularly with Osmo Liquid Wax will retain its brand-new beauty for a lifetime. Osmo has a range of other products that can further help you get the most out of your floors. For example, Osmo’s Wash & Care is a biodegradable that works to clean up tough spills and stains on an everyday basis.

Because it is an oil-based product, it should be applied with a dry cloth or mop. You can use it to refresh the whole floor or for simple spot cleaning. When it comes to keeping your floors looking great, there is simply nothing that Osmo Liquid Wax cannot do.