Hickory Hardwood Flooring

Hickory is the hardest and strongest domestic wood species available. It has an appealing light color with distinct tone variation between planks.

Benefits of Hickory Flooring:
Benefits of this species include dent resistance due to exceptional hardness. The light overall color and pronounced grain give hickory the ability to hide minor wear such as scratches.

Best Applications of Hickory Flooring:
This would perform well in high traffic areas like entries or kitchens. Rooms with monotone decor should consider the use of Hickory as a focal point.

Similar Flooring:
Hickory and Pecan wood are categorized as the same species due to nearly indistinguishable differences and often grown in the same regions. Character grade Maple and Birch can look similar to Hickory with light overall color. Walnut, Acacia, and Brazilian Pecan also share some similar high variation attributes however with a darker overall feel.

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