Five Tips to Keep Your Wood Flooring Clean in Winter

Homeowners across the globe appreciate the beauty and character of wood flooring. But those living in northern climates need to deal with winter weather when snow, wet footwear, and ice take a toll on wood floors of all types. Find out how you should care for hardwood and engineered wood flooring to ensure the winter …

Which Direction Should I Lay My Hardwood Flooring?

Your wood flooring was delivered last week and your installer is scheduled to come over tomorrow morning to install your hardwood flooring. What seemed so intuitive at the store now seems overwhelming with the decision you must make on which direction to install your hardwood flooring. After all, this might be a decision you will …

Choosing the Best Hardwood Flooring | Maple vs Oak

Are you looking for an affordable, durable wood to finish your living space? Maple and oak remain the most popular domestic hardwood floor options. Understanding the pros and cons of each choice will help you make a wise decision in the maple vs oak debate. Pick the best option for your home by keeping these …